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6-12 Months

Welcome to the world of introducing solids, and probably not being able to leave your baby in one place and expect them there when you come back from the loo! Find some helpful resources and tips below!

6-12 months round up

Discover developmental milestones, top parenting advice and essential parental wellbeing!

baby girl playing with blocks

Understanding milestones from 6-12 months

Between six and twelve months, babies experience incredible growth and start mastering skills that prepare them for greater independence. During this stage, they often learn to sit unsupported, crawl, pull to stand, and even take their first steps.


Their fine motor skills develop as they grasp objects, transfer them between hands, and experiment with banging, shaking, and dropping. This period also brings cognitive milestones, like recognising familiar people, responding to their name, and exploring cause-and-effect through play. Every new achievement is a building block for their physical, social, and emotional growth.

baby boy baby led weening

Supporting your baby's growth

As babies grow from six to twelve months, their world opens up with exciting new abilities. They become more mobile, learning to crawl, stand, and perhaps take their first wobbly steps. Fine motor skills blossom as they manipulate objects, point, and explore textures, which enhances their understanding of the world. 

Weaning can bring its own set of challenges, from concerns about allergies to occasional tummy troubles. Still, it’s also a wonderful opportunity to introduce your baby to a variety of nutritious foods. 

Mum walking with pram in park

Caring for yourself during a busy phase

With your baby becoming more mobile and interactive, life can feel busier than ever. It’s easy to put your needs last, but remember that taking care of yourself is essential. A few moments for rest, a walk outdoors, or sharing your thoughts with a friend can help you recharge.


Parenting is a learning process, and it’s okay not to have all the answers. Trust that your love and attention are exactly what your baby needs most during this exciting stage of their growth.

Quick Tips to Encourage Development


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